Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (2024)

by Cara

I love it when I receive requests from you, super amazing readers and friends, about what you want to see over here–especially when whatever is on your mind is on mine as well. And I have been thinking a lot about Chocolate Turtles lately for some reason. It must have been because of all the chocolates I have been making. Oh, who knows why I think about half of things that I do. I swear the majority of my brain space isdominated bydonuts (and that the honest-to-God truth!) With a close tie with potato chips, of course. I will have you know that I haven’t had a chip in a while though. I know. It’s a miracle.

Back to the chocolate,theTurlesare something thatI have yet to make so when Kat asked me to make my own version ofVegan Chocolate Turtles, I obeyed (as I usually do whenever she asks anything of me) 😉

Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (1)I chose to go with a raw caramel sauce because well, honestly I’m waiting for a plumber to come fix my kitchen sink and I needed something quick to make with an easy clean up. My sink isn’t wanting to do its proper job and actually drain water that comes from the tap. That causes a big problem with doing dishes. Grrrrr. That is why real caramel sauce was out of the question however if you would like to use a heated sauce, either follow this recipe or melt store-bought vegan caramels like Cocomels. They are super good with the raw caramel sauce however–if you have never made it before let this be your excuse to get to it!

Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (2)

Please see this post on tipsfor melting chocolate and all things chocolate-making if you run into any troubles.

A little idea on how I was able to create their shapes:

Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (3)

To make these completely raw, use this chocolate recipe. Just be careful! This will cause the turtles to be ultra-melty which inevitably means you will just have to eat them all in one sitting. Ahhh, the silver lining appears…


Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (4)

Vegan Chocolate Turtles

★★★★★5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Fork & Beans
  • Yield: 12 1x
Print Recipe



  • 1 c. non-dairy chocolate chips, divided in half
  • 1/2 c. pecans
  • 1 recipe for raw caramel sauce (see below)

For Raw Date Caramel:

  • 4 Medjool dates, soaked in water for 1 hour and drained
  • 1 Tbsp. water
  • 1 tsp. maple syrup
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil, solid
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. In a high-speed blender, whip up all the ingredients for the raw caramel sauce until completely smooth. Allow to chill in the refrigerator to cool down.
  2. Line a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper.
  3. Melt 1/2 c. of the non-dairy chocolate chips. Place in a Ziploc bag with a slit cut out of the corner and drip 1 tsp. of chocolate onto the parchment paper, making circles (see picture above). You may want to use the back of a spoon to flatten down a little bit.
  4. For each chocolate circle, place 6 pecan slices on top of the chocolate in the position for the head, legs, and tail (see picture above). Fill in the remainder of the chocolate with smaller pecan pieces (as seen above). Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove the sheet and pour the raw caramel sauce into a Ziploc baggie to pipe on top, about 1 tsp. worth. Freeze again while you melt the remainder 1/2 c. of chocolate.
  6. Pipe the remaining chocolate on top of the caramel. Smooth out with the back of a spoon to ensure it is evenly spread. PLEASE READ: Do this one at a time because the warm chocolate hitting the items that have been in the freezer will cause the chocolate to quickly harden. If you wait too long, your chocolate will be unworkable.
  7. Allow the turtles to fully set (either back in the freezer or if you keep them on the counter, they will harden as well).


  • Serving Size: 1 Turtle
  • Calories: 133
  • Sugar: 13.5g
  • Sodium: 13mg
  • Fat: 7.5g
  • Carbohydrates: 15.7g
  • Fiber: 1.4g
  • Protein: 1.7g

Makes me wonder whether or not plumbers can be paid in chocolate. If so, I have 12 turtles with his name on them in exchange for a working kitchen sink. Even swap. I will let you know if he buys into it…

Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (5)

Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (6)


  • Vegan Chocolate-Covered Cherries
  • Dark Chocolate-Covered Pretzel Screams
  • {Almost} Raw Snickers Bars
  • Homemade Vegan Heath Bars
Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (11)

About Cara

Based in Chicago with her husband and son, Cara is the creator behind the site Fork and Beans: A place where kids can have fun with their food.

Previous Post: « Allergen-Friendly Baking 101: Chocolate-Making

Next Post: Vegan Chocolate-Covered Cherries »

Reader Interactions


    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (14)ANnie

      Do you know why these cute little treats have cholesterol in them? I am confused, as anything vegan automatically means cholesterol free. There’s no exceptions to that.

  1. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (15)Rachel

    These are so adorable! I can’t wait to try them out

  2. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (16)Mary

    I can’t wait to make these! But did I miss how to make the swirl on top? Is it just extra of the same melted chips?

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (17)Cara

      That was just the special touch via moi 🙂 And yes you are right on, it’s the same melted chips 🙂

  3. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (18)Karly

    Ok, so i tried to make the caramel sauce and it was a complete flop. I tried to mix it up in a vitamix but i ended up having turn it off because the motor was getting to hot. Didn’t even spin the stuff around. Any suggestions? My kids would LOVE these!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (19)Cara

      Hey Karly, sounds like you need to add some liquid in it. Try adding a tablespoon of water at a time. That should fix your problem 🙂 xo

  4. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (20)Karin

    Woow, I love this Cara. They are so cute. I will made them for my kids! 🙂

  5. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (21)Lis

    These look amazing and I am so eager to make them! Could you recommend a particular kind of vegan chocolate chip? I feel like all the ones I look at say they “may contain milk.” Thanks so much!

  6. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (22)Libranmoonlover

    I am totally going to try to make Easter bunnies with vegan white chocolate and cashews, in addition to chocolate bunnies with pecans! Thanks sooooo much for this post!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (23)Cara

      Okay for reals though, that is THE cutest idea! Will you send me a picture of it when you do???

  7. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (24)Anna

    I was really excited to try this recipe, but since I don’t have a high-speed blender, I tried to make the caramel in my food processor. Even doubling the listed quantities didn’t make enough to process. So now I have some chopped up dates with flecks of coconut oil instead of caramel. 🙁

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (25)Cara

      Noooooooo! Get your buns over to my house Anna and I will let you borrow my blender 🙂

  8. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (26)ball

    Thank you for share.It very nice.I like to eat chocolate.

  9. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (28)Lisa | Je suis alimentageuse

    Yummmmmmmmm these look awesome! I’ve never thought to make a caramel sauce out of soaked dates. Love it!

  10. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (29)Sarah

    can you substitute the carmel for organic peanut butter?? My family aren’t really a huge carmel fans but i was worried if the peanut butter would ruin the taste? This looks amazing nonetheless, great work!!!

  11. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (30)Rosanna

    Cara, how do you come up with these recipes?… Genious! Can’t wait to make it tomorrow! 😉

  12. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (32)ashley

    This recipe is so cute. Could you substitute California pitted dates for Medjool dates? I have 3 Medjool dates and a whole package for California pitted. I am really wanting to make these for my daughter’s valentine party. She loves the Ninja Turtles right now. There is no place locally to purchase Medjool dates.

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (33)Cara

      Oh absolutely, Ashley! I say use those remaining 3 along with the others and it should be just fine! I hope your daughter likes them 🙂

  13. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (34)Natalie Tamara

    These are the cutest chocolates ever! The raw caramel sounds dreamy too. They’ve already got me thinking of all the other variations of turtle there could be 😉

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (35)Cara

      Oh, perfect! Just what a recipe is supposed to do–inspire you to create. Love it, Natalie! xo

  14. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (36)Vicky

    Oh these are adorable! I’m blown away by all of your recipes – awesome, I think they’ll be infesting my kitchen soon!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (37)Cara

      What a super sweet thing to say Vicky–thank you so much! Let me know if you need anything while you are over here 🙂 xo Cara

  15. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (38)annie @ chase that i love

    I want these! They are super cute. How long did it take you to get them all so freakin perfect?
    I love me some date caramel. It’s so lovely and practically guilt-free.

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (39)Cara

      Thank you so much Annie! Scarily, it didn’t take me too long. It’s all about a steady hand 🙂 xo, Cara

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (41)Cara

      Thank you Elyse! xo

  16. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (42)Emma

    So cute! I’ve seen “turtles” before but never actual turtle turtles!! They sound might tasty too.

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (43)Cara

      Just to ensure how tasty they really are, when my boyfriend ate one he exclaimed, “These taste they you bought them at the store!” Score 😉

  17. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (44)Molly (Based on a Sprue Story)

    Like others, I love that they’re actually in the shape of turtles! How adorable. I bought dates last week planning to make some sort of vegan caramel-y thing and then unfortunately we ate them all with peanut butter instead. Oh well. 🙂

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (45)Cara

      Well it sounds like someone is going to need to buy more dates 😉 But I’m loving the idea of dipping dates into peanut butter. I must try that! xo, Cara

  18. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (46)Sarah

    These are so darn cute!!! Happy Valentines Day (Early) Love!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (47)Cara

      Thank you so much Sarah! Happy early Love Day to you too! xoxoxo <--tons of love <3

  19. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (48)Sam

    These are so adorable! Nice job! I love how with the raw caramel sauce these are actually pretty healthy, and not really a guilty treat at all! So yummy! I am currently trying to figure out how to make a raw healthy “cream cheese frosting” right now. It’s so awesome when you can indulge without the guilt! Looking forward to trying these soon.

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (49)Cara

      Definitely makes you feel better about eating half of them, that’s for sure. hehe! xo

  20. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (50)Stefanie

    OMG! You made them into actual turtles. I’M DYING!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (51)Cara

      Makes them all the more fun to make and eat 😉

  21. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (52)Tess @ Tips on Healthy Living

    This recipe combines my two favorite ingredients– pecans and chocolate. And the turtle-shape? So cute! Thanks for sharing– I can’t wait to try this!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (53)Cara

      You have one more combo ingredient than me. I usually just go for chocolate 😉 Hope you like them, Tess. Thank you for the comment. xo

  22. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (54)Kat

    These are so stinkin’ cute, I absolutely adore them!! Thank you for fulfilling my request, Cara! 🙂 Can’t wait to make these!

    The layering technique photos are fun and SUPER helpful! I’m excited about the raw caramel too, as I happen to have all the ingredients and this seems much easier than attempting regular caramel! 😉 Win win!

    Hope the plumber goes for the trade!! 😛

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (55)Cara

      I’m so glad you approve! And you are so welcome–such my pleasure, Kat.

  23. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (56)Megan

    These look awesome!! I can’t wait to try them out 🙂 there is nothing cooler than a homemade box of chocolates for Valentines Day, food allergies or not! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (57)Cara

      I agree Megan! Homemade anything is always the best 🙂 Thank you for the comment, xo

  24. Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (58)Jackie (sharing this with ur mom :))

    absolutely awesome!!!


    • Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (59)Cara

      Haha, Thank you Jackie!! xo


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    […] ead, legs, and tail (see picture above). Fill in the remainder of the chocolate […]

  3. […] Vegan Chocolate Turtles – there’s something about the holidays that brings about images of chocolate turtles dancing in our heads. This recipe variation is easy to make and contains whole foods unlike the overly processed, conventional version. […]

  4. […] us to find chocolate chips we trust to be vegan here, so this was awesome! Recently Athanasia found this recipe for vegan turtles so she had to try it (she loves cute little things like these little vegan turtles). We adapted […]

  5. […] καραμέλα που μοιάζουν σαν χελωνάκια από τοφοβερό blog Forks&Beans. Έχει μια διαδικασία αλλά όσες φορές τα έχω φτιάξει […]

  6. […] Chocolate Turtles LET OP Maak dit met suikervrije chocolade van bijvoorbeeld Cavalier of Chokay. Of nog beter: Love […]

  7. […] hope to present her family a sweet treat, my friend Jana Brown modified a recipe for Turtles fromForks and Beans. Using ChiamMaya Chocolatefor the first time, she found the flavor was delightful and the […]

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Vegan Chocolate Turtles - Fork and Beans (2024)


Are Turtles vegan? ›

Some turtles are carnivores, while others follow a strictly vegetarian diet. Most turtles, however, are omnivores, eating both animals and plants.

Why is dark chocolate not vegan? ›

Chocolate can absolutely be vegan. Most dark chocolate is vegan, but you'll want to inspect the label to be sure. However, chocolate containing dairy products is not vegan-friendly, and the processing of some chocolate products can also make it not vegan.

Is vegan chocolate healthy? ›

Contrary to popular belief, vegan chocolate is actually considered healthier than traditional chocolate. It's lower in sugar and calories, and it contains more antioxidants. Plus, there are so many different varieties of vegan chocolate available that you're sure to find one you love.

Is chocolate vegan and gluten free? ›

The good news is that pure chocolate Is Gluten-Free. High quality plain dark chocolate (eg Charley's Mount Edna) comes from cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao). Mt Edna, is made from cocoa nibs and cocoa butter, both part of the cocoa bean, and sugar. All are considered gluten-free.

Do turtles have testosterone? ›

Seasonal variation in turtle androgens have been reasonably well studied, and circulating testosterone levels for male turtles are generally very low in the early spring (review in [69]), whereas it peaks in the spring for females as they prepare for ovulation [69][70][71] [72] [73][74].

Is turtle meat a thing? ›

The flavor has often been compared to being incredibly meaty, beefy with a unique texture that can be roughly compared to squid or alligator. Others have compared the succulent flavoring of turtle meat to rich crab, salmon, decadent lobster with hints occasionally of bluefish, mackerel, trout, and even sturgeon.

What chocolate is surprisingly vegan? ›

1 Ritter Sport

This German chocolate company has a dedicated vegan category on its website these days, but it's been making dairy-free chocolate for years without the label. The Salted Caramel; Roasted Peanut; Crunchy Whole Hazelnuts; and Vegan Smooth are just a few of its vegan offerings.

Are Oreos vegan? ›

Many vegans refer to Oreos as “accidentally vegan,” meaning they don't contain animal products — but they weren't created to be a specifically vegan treat. Oreos do not contain milk, eggs, or any other animal-derived products, so they are technically vegan in that sense. Plant-based cookies and cream lovers rejoice!

Why is white chocolate not vegan? ›

Traditional white chocolate is not dairy-free, as it typically contains milk or milk-derived ingredients like milk powder or milk fat. However, vegan white chocolate is an alternative that is both dairy-free and free from animal-derived ingredients.

Is vegan chocolate inflammatory? ›

Anti-inflammatory properties: The antioxidants in dark chocolate have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body and support overall health.

Can diabetics eat vegan chocolate? ›

Vegan chocolate is the best snack for people with diabetes because it is full of nutrients that are good for the heart. It helps control your blood sugar levels and makes it easier for your body to use insulin properly.

Why is vegan chocolate so expensive? ›

Why is vegan chocolate so expensive? The reason why vegan bars are expensive is that they have smaller operations and use higher-quality ingredients compared to other non-vegan chocolate production. You can always make your own vegan options snack bar that doesn't use animal products.

Is peanut butter vegan? ›

As with many food items, in its simplest form, peanut butter should always be vegan. The vast majority of peanut butters you find in grocery stores will therefore be fully plant-based. Traditional peanut butter is made from peanuts and often a small amount of salt or oil.

Can vegans eat honey? ›

The bottom line. Vegans try to avoid or minimize all forms of animal exploitation, including that of bees. As a result, most vegans exclude honey from their diets. Some vegans also avoid honey to take a stand against conventional beekeeping practices that can harm bee health.

Is Nutella vegan? ›

Nutella is not vegan because it does contain skim milk powder, which is made from cow's milk. According to their website, the first version of Nutella was invented shortly after World War II, when cocoa was hard to come by.

Are wild turtles vegetarian? ›

Turtles are typically omnivorous to carnivorous. They spend a lot of time in the water and their diet reflects that, they enjoy small fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects. They also enjoy turtle pellets, leafy greens, bananas, berries and other various fruits and veggies.

Is A Tortoise Vegan? ›

Each digit in their forefeet and hind feet contains two or fewer phalanges. Finally, if you can't see their legs, try feeding them meat. Tortoises are generally vegetarians, while other turtles are omnivorous.

Do turtles lay fake eggs? ›

Female sea turtles scatter sand around where they have laid their eggs, not to camouflage the site but to distract predators with 'fake' nests.

Are green turtles vegetarian? ›

Green Turtle Diet

Green turtles are vegetarian and prefer sea grasses, sea weeds and algae as adults, however, green turtle hatchlings are omnivorous, eating jellyfish, snails, crabs, and shrimp.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.