The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

A THE BOSTON GLOBE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1918 REAL ESTATE MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE CHAUFFEUR -MECHANIC 10 EXPERIENCE, exempt from draft, desires position driving private car, do not tse Hq 210, Globe office. ANAMEBiCAN desfres position aa sales correspondent or office minatpr: sneaks several BOARD AND ROOMS h2? ANn ROOM. nice, home, fine Iocs-' reasonable, tel. 22 Alaska Rox- ThFfn jaai i A de 1 ni "nay. iron room in faml7: Bood location; mt and 16 mnate from Park- snnth America DELIVERY DRIVERS Write giving experience, where last employed and section of city or suburbs best acquainted with: state whether married or slnsle apleodid opportunity JORDAN MARSH CO.

i 'i uag mi ntiers a I "Large, Globe office. I conditions. Address 3 212. CHINA AND FURNITURE PACKERS Experience Necessary Apply at once to Superintendent Street Floor. SHEPARD NORWELl COMPANY rea bob ii wuj, convenience WANTED "SET SHOE FACTORY A hind folder, gUsa nuchine folder, lining maker, top stitcher, single tip stitcher, 2-needle; girls to ten-ient hook stays.

Applv to FRENCH, SHRINER URNER. 63 Melcher City. ARM. STOCK AMD TOOLS ONE of highest arid beautiful location In 6 minutes to Mites and center of town, 54 acres. 22 tillage, 300 cords standing wood, 200 apple tt splendid 14-room cottage style house, gteatn bam, oleot-1 lights, water by electricity, large plans, would M.ike fine sanitarium or Summer boarding bouse: barn, poultry house, cranberry bog, 1 young cow, hens.

2 top buggl'i, cxpn-s nnd farm wsgoo. sleigh ami trnvers runner mC II farmlni: and inn'-Muery; price $37'i special reason fur tremendous discount. A. 11. FOSTER.

106 Main Marlboro branch. ED-WAIID T. HA tmiNflTON JXLJ 0 State st. ONLY $200 CASH MEDFORD 2-faintlv houfe. situated in good section, near slSClrlCJ and shvai.i.

fi room earn apartment, steam heat, combination ranges, electric light and fjM, large piaxzas. large lot of land. price $400. easy monthly pay went. EDWARD T.

HARRINGTON CO. 10 State at. BU' 11 TvFTOMOBILE slocUrkwants work. E. I BOSS, 21 Cottage Mass.

8t JaiO i A YOtTNGilAN wishes all-night work. JJ, Giohe office. 3t la30 BARKTrt wants position, country pre 1 i- I't-iinnv ii Tn rt 1. SVM0T- 1Ui H'Stlngton-Av Daily $1 to weekly $4 to $14; homelike. -t dHuaot jasa MAlt A PLATNTOnraSidrori." "steam tte.

for light housekeeping. 47 Rutland si. WF" Ja.10 i f.urT"ned steam heated room; to (7.60; private hatha. SOT Tremont at. SS MM.

M. CURRY, 219 Harvard near onutmiiwea'th ar. 2tJa30 CHEF, all around, American, 40, long cx-perio-iee In hotels, clabs and restaurants, best of references. Write or call after 6 p. rilF.F.

659 Tremont anlte S. dSc7f js29 CLEAN CUT yoong American, 27 years old. with good education, at present employed; not subject to draft; desires position with large business bouse, outside work preferred; no commission proposition considered. -I 225. Globe office.

dSolf fl TINSMITH FOR special work. travel, food par and ex- BRKCK BI'ltEAI. 53 Franklin st. AT BRECK'S BUREAU. Franklin Desk 3 Second nciaeer.

$29tj23; 2 ngineer ont of town, $2 sad foond: fircnvin or town. $14 and round: mint dropper: bard candt striker: tinsmith. AT BRECK 11 RUGISTRY. Frank Un Desk 3 Head baker: club wsiter; coat-room man: eight poiter; pot washer. AT BRIX'K BUREAU.

3 KrjuHh Dk 1 Stenographers sad acconn'snts. Sontu. tloC to $128 offli-e Nokkeepr and offica douhle-eotrr bank check teller: lierinaer sfenogra pliers. $12- Equipped Farm, $600 Down HHAl IFFF1 irqI MACHINISTS UHMUrrtUttb FQR mjjng machines, hori- For Auto Car and Ford Truck zontal boring mills, grinders A and lathis. Apply to Mr.

Appl at once to Superintendent Spangenbrgt OrdnanCO -street Floor. Mead-Morrison Mfg. Pros- SHEPARD NORWELL COMPANY cott and Orleans East Boston, Mass. dSu28t lii WANTED bHUVLLlLK5 treatment of steel. Apply B- Apply Mr.

Hurley. East Somerville St- STURTEVANT Read- tion. between 9 A. M. and 10 A.


WII.SOX. tOSi Boylsron attractive-steam, electricity. 6. ly futnished rooni WANTED Experienced Operators To sew fine braids on ladies' hats, long season, good prices. G.

T. DAY CO 110 Utica St. flo ACHhrt; 2 mHe-4 to in proaperoua, liealthfnl acction; mail delivered: mchlne- COMPETENT ataooeranher JSu7t Ja31 furnished room, steam heat' 'Eet-X" and tyt -writer Globe office. 8t would like nifbt work. 3 142, like tWO year round, beside raisin-; cofls: frnit bM Si le'.

Dorchester 1710 f'HEF. chaoffenr, fireman, gardener, counter rnan. porter. 3 BERKELEY ST. BCBEAC: Beach 2926.

TO LET rooms, irnnrnvementa. I8.w week. 7 Ick No. ambrldgo. rood; substantial, plensnnt house, 4ft.ft.

barn; nd other outbuildings; of water; aged owner throws in hore, 2 eow. heifer, liens, i equipment and much of the fuinituro at V2200, 1 down. Sec r.ulletiu i'tV: iKt farm Midi country home haif iin COpf free. Dept. 773, I EXPERiESPfco Til irm-rR years MB age.

wants position. Ilebt frock or private: ex i.ji.Mr.o-noom and boned l.y working woman and seven-year-old son in Catholic fam OTobe'offl C3n 10 "CB001- Addreee 265, $15; stenographer. Spanish hotel night clerk. $15 and rrxn: Jnnior itnig. I newspaper reporter, $IS: srrhi- I tectoral tracer.

$10; hardware clerks; expri- en iil c-Uei-tor. lis. AT DRFCK'S BUREAU. 53 Vr nitlia i rVsk 3 Grocery nigrs. $20-325: retail fwrery 1 clerks.

altipir eaperlrncd ebx trlcal got-da; boy provision clerk: drug fancy gtods I packer; stock order man; grocery driver: store porters. $14: elevator operator- city delivery Vv ANTED Board for 9 months' old ehiid Addres MBS H. J. If AM (ALL. 43 Main WANTED Experienced Nailer On women's McKays and welts.

H. J. SHOE CO, 60 So. Boston. 50 Girls Wanted To wrap chocolate bars; no previous experience necessary.

MASSACHUSETTS CHOCOLATE CO. 197 Norfolk Roxhury. Charlestown 71227. 2t jaBl P. K.

LEIAND, 31 Milk Bi let ot 100. Farm Barg-ains Tree Dept. 2, P. T. LEI.

AND, Milk Bston. tf -129 IK'AL AfiKNTS WANT Write P. V. 1AUM AtiF.NCY, 31 Milk st. tf Money-Makinfj: Farm $4800 8 Cows, Pr.

Horses and Irrlvlng horse, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, SUMMER COTTAGES drivers: heavy teamsters. truck chanf-feur who doesn't smoke, $20: Mg. strong man. nights. $17; Ford driver and st.

jsnitor: laundry driver. $18. WANTED A liiarh-arraite. doable etitrv dSutf rf am rake, wagon. tut'y.

manure i TO BENT for the aeaaon, ai.T-room aeml-tmngalow, on Gteat Bay. water view on three aWea, Hue bathing, boating, duck nnd sooec chootlng. etc. Address CHA8. D.

RANDALL, N. H. Sud8t ja27 MuilCAL INSTRUMENTS SXHGUE MEN over fi who have attended! technical or eiigiiiperinz schools, to taKc bookkeeper to take rharge of office rated in Palmer on Main one havlna 1 textile eaerience preferred; to one that I ran qnalify and ran make F. timer their home good aalarv will he paid. Applv I hy letter only to the NT S.


I MgT Monaon. Mass. dSultt ja26 WETH CRM'S Requires the services of thoroughly experienced saleswomen, on untrimmed millinery, for short hours (11 to 5) work. BOOKKEEPER OR VOUCHER CLERK WANTED For growing business in nearby city. Preferably one with experience on distribution work.

Answer in own hand writing, giving previous experience, general quali-Hiations. salary expected, etc. 8, GLOBE OFFICE. MEN WANTED For Whiting Ienther Rolling Machines: $13 per week while learning; then piece work; now earning $15 to $'i per week; no labor trouble; istead.v work: state age. ARDIXE BEARDSEI-Lr CO.

Nashua, N. H. six weeks' Training School course with pay 30c per hour to qualify for positions on big job, "00 miles from Boston, commencing March 16th. In reply state age, nationality school attended (nothing else); enclose readdressed envelope for full Information. 184, Globe office.

FSuM ia80 500 WOODSMEN $50 TO tm PER MONTH and board: Berlin Galer, on Sarinrday. ten. Place lint Street Apply to Mi Temple Mills W. A. Marshall Lumber d-Surf d25 a) OFFICE MANAGER, YOUNG MAN.

31 -rw, experienced details and good cntrospoodctit flue salary. INDUSTRIAL 1 1 I'EKrXi'K ASS'N. 35 Court St. cellent: reierences. Address uiooe oincc.

a 8f fl HNGINEER, 2d class, wants arroation. 20 ars' experience, references. M. C. 113 KeiiDhlrfl Cambridge.

FSu fl ENGINEER, second-class Iiense. desire? change, hotel, factory, refrigeration. 379, 01ohecfrlep n.rCTRICIAN, yonne married man. steady" temtierate, 0 years' experience, wants position. 11 3-14.

Globe office. ThFSu JaSl ENGINEER. lacndry, factorr7 experienced steamiUting. 4046-M Boxbury: 16 Cortland st. FSti fl FACTORY REPAIRER and millwright with third-class engineer license; good on auto repairs; the beat of references.

211, Glooe of-iice. dSu3t fl HOUSEMAN. long experience, can clean up, do chc-rcs. work very satisfactorily. A.

Z. MARTINEZ. 63 Carver Bsstea, a2jajU (olored. wishea position In apartment home, ha good experience In slight repairing. B.

McLARTY, 1o9 Peterboro tel. Back JRay FSufl "'MUSIC TEACHER, welt accomptishedr desires position, thoroughly capable of clerical work or teaching, references exchanged. 175, Globe office. TF- Ja29 MACHINIST, experfenced on building light machinery, experimental work and tools, wants position. 292.

Globe office. ROOFER, with small shop, wants work by day or Job. MS, Gl be office. Snd7t Ja27 SITl ATION WASTED -A youns man." married, with family, erltla 4 years' experience in selling grocery Ums to retail trade, good habits, specialty lire desired, references furnished, have covered Northern Mass. and Southern N.

H. territory. 21. Globe office. 3tja0 SITUATIONS WaNTET) Married Italian tcan.

40 years of age, no cinldrcn, wants position in private family preferred: first-class vegetable gardener and chnufTeur's license. 4 years' experience, good reference. Write Denismore court, Cambridge. Mass. 3t ja31 SALEbMAS at present representing concern as sales manager, owing to busiucss depression wants position; married, draft exempt, references.

Ii 188, Globe office. WFSU j.i80 STENOGRAPHIC CIJ5iii Y'oung mau wishes Popiiioa with reliable Arm; law office preferred. 29-'. CWoijw office; WOfTfv ( expert, wants wood to cut, near Itcstou; give price per cord.

G. W. PIKE, 22 Kini: BoamifT. 2t fl 1VERS POND PIANOS Our Bargain Salesroom of used and refinlahed pianon offers careful purehan'-rd the opportunity to buy from a responsible source bargains in many proml-innkes. such an Ivers Fond, Cliickerlng, Wober, etc.

Special prices ami very easy terms of Kental Purchaso payment on these used pianoa. For full bargain list sign und mall tho YOUNG LADY FOR RHJ.INi: (LERK In wboVaale Wanted Woolen Weavers Government work on one loom; family help preferred. SOMERSVTIXK MFG. Connecticut. 3t must he aulck and I telerwond ma chine: state reference-, and Mt to start: aasa SALESMAN FAINT AND VABlflSH WE HAVE an opening for sn exeriencd paint salesman to represent a National paint manufacturer In an established territory, to travel ont of Boston; excellent opportunity for the right party: in yonr reply Rive age, past business connections and resjsinslble references: same will be treated in strict confidence until we have your permission to communicate with them.

Address immediately. 202. WH office. dSu4t Ja31 sfor-k Lumber J. E.

Henry A- Sons. Pejep-scot Paier C. V. L. Company, Lea Town lumber Co.

tn Maine. New Uampsblre and Vermont: they are ratting long and si rt lumber, all Winter's work; good earn pa sad boase. highest going wnges: we aalrnnce yonr railroad fares, free If you work 3 months. Hire from FINN'S LA BO 1 1 AGENCY. 27 Washington Boston.

Ja27 DRAFTSMAN, ALSO TRACER ABLE lo do lie nnd fixture designing, young ALL-AROUND AUTO repair man. good on be.u-lngs. 40-45C. hour. 35 Court rottm 4.

AT INDUSTRIAL REFER NUB ASS'N, Court St. Young asst. bookkeetier. exeaopf. young man.

31 or over, some experience retail selling and help around store. $12 $i0: Protestant, about 35. some experience shipping, to take charge and assist shipper. Protestant, 81. rugged, for shipping $15 or more: young man, over 31.

for stock record clerk, must be good ivnman. $12- Aildrei-a P. O. box M3 Botea. STITCHERS WANTED coupon.

EXPERIENCED on white del. -oats, a pro t. wel. etc. NATIONAL COAT A APR1 man or wotnuti tor experlem-e required and must brt-ig aample; no fee.

Roam 41. 106 Devonshire st. Fill Out and Send Thig Coupon to $14: boys, 10 or over, for office insurance, 53: SUPPLY 332 A Cor Bon ton. toek i-oom insurance. $8: errands $1.

RETAIL SALESMAN SHOE BOOK FOLDERS EXPERIENCED hand book folders oa printe. work: also counter oat on folding ma hluea A GOOD, steady and Improving position for a young, single American is open in N. H. with IVERS POND PIANO 114 BoyUton Boston, Mass. Please mail me your new catalog, also bargain Hat of used-pianos nnd full information regarding your Rental Pur-chase; 1'Inn.

Wanted Outsole Cutters Steady employment and cood wages to right parties. Address 101. (ilobr nftlce. an American nrm; prefer one win; ims aud Inserters. Apply at once to office of 11.

U. Wanted, a Chief Estimator THIS POSITION Is open with a general building concern of Mass. of unquestionable standing; the applicant must have expert knowledge of the entire building proposition; also the design of reinforced concrete structures; a man of sound business judgment and a thinker is required: one capable of diplomatically and successfully approaching the clientage and prospective builder: to such a position is offered whose scope depends entirery on the size and possibilities of the cne who accepts it; state age. reference and salary expected. 20.

Globe office. dSuut jn30 LEATHER LINING AND TRIMMING CUTTERS WANTED Knife and block work. Annlv to Mr Shaw, W. I DOUGLAS SHOE Broek- ton (Montello Sta.) Mass. dSuTt Loom Fixer Wanted STEADY WORK: GOOD PAY.

APPLY TO UK DOCK WOOLEN MILLS, PROC-TOKSViLLE, VT. dSuTt ja28 Mireadcr. eoatiaaw cart car, com plete new grain threshing; outfit, small tools, harnesses ai some hay and potatoes included retiring owner, who buy mnda hirnself well off here; 185 acres, with in proOvetire tillage, black soil, 30-COW wlre-fencel, spring watered pasture; i tltijntil 2DO0 cords hart-wood BOO ujat lps; 100 apple troes: 8-rooin house: 10-coW ham, silo; S1H00 takes everything, tart down. Dotalla tj Utront's Catatoffue, copy free. E.

A. STBOFT ARM AfiKNCV. Dept. 910-K, 294 Washing-ton Itastoq. Masj BEADING S-ROOK SS0O NICE little place, quarter land, hen Jioiwe, garage, well: hair cash.

oTOOKWIXL 4p Old South lildg. MALDIN HOUSE, STABLE -S2000 7-BOOM HOUSE, stable, enrage, fruit trc-i I'srgsln, MOD Linden district. STOCK-UEMa 42 Hid South bhlg. Somervliie'- 6-Room Houao- $1400 DOWN, line little home. C.

STOCK VEIE Old Sout Bldg. OBEAT PEAMIK GHAJS BABQAjat" ISO, 000 estat 140 acre, tine lot timber, cuts 2S ions hay, 60 Baldwin level rich Mil, brook In pusture: two-story Colonial house, 9 room-, center hall, phone, line view; atock burn 80x40, horse stable, tool, carriage, grain und wood houses, henner? for 2k5 all in good repair; priCO $2'j) rash- lesa without timber. CHAPIN FARM AOENOY, 94 Washinjtton sulte410; no Mnfp 769. Somerville 3-Family ONLY $500 down: handsome, new. and lo good location; every improvement: all rented to line tenants; exceptionally good Inveattrnt home; will excbaBgtf.

Telephone OWNER, ISC-II Bomervllle, or address 14S, Olobe office. 4t ja30 Houerhs Neck Bargain -BOOM BOORE, hardwood floors, gin range, sleeping porch, large lot of garden land: Price S19O0. $160 down and Jill a month. W. A.

DFNIIAM, 101 Trenmnt room 101H. dsu7t jal i For Sale or Exchange SEVERAL desirable one, two and three-family houses lii Brookllne, low prices, easy termai CEt'BtiE W. JOHNSTON. 1299 Beacon St. Sudtf Ja20 BRICK HoT sE tenement, income' $416 year, assessed mortgage $2MM).

for exchange; what have you? .1 226, Globe office. 2t fl BBTTKB KEEP your real estate, but if you must trade it, see G. 73 Washington Maiden, now. FSn fl KOR SALE Two-fHUJily house, located on Hudson Somerville, 2 hollers, steam heat. 2 bathrooms; sell cheap ua owner leaves for Europe, Call G.

CHLL'CCT, 281 Hanover city. SudSt 1a27 or mi woriiing in a meainm-sizeo en N. H. or a chance for the Address 204. Globe offlce.

llttl t.IlTiiN A Of. Riverside Pre-. m- bridge. dSn4t Ja3l Ja30 Name FEMALE HELP WANTED AT MERCANTILE REFERENCE A BOND Association. Koom 2WJ Doable entry bookkeepers.

double entry bookkeeper living near East Boston. $15; ledger clerks, dept. store experience, $14; bookkeepers and stenographers. stenographer living in the diretiOn of Norwood. stenograiier.

act as secretary, $15 s'art, good chance far advancement: several stenographers, typewriting and dictaphone operator: stenographer and dictaphone orator. $15: Elliott-Fisher hilliug oierator and bookkeeper: Rem-inaton Wuhl machlue operator, exri-enced order clerk, take orders over telephone. Addrc- PAPER BOX SCORER WANTED Experienced scorer on. all kinds of stiff set-up boxes. Apply by letter only: steadv work with chance for advancement.

MORSE BRACKETT BOX 144 High Boston. 3t Ja30 T00L1AKER WANTED Exceptional opportunity for a man who can furnish unquestionable references and qualify for a special line of work. Apply at 262 Washington room 43. 181 Tremont St. STENOGRAPHER WANTED IN advertising department of large manufacturing company: excellent opportunity for aa vancement for bright, ambitious young womsai state experience and salary dealred.

3I0. WaJW office. GIRLS OVER 16 TO LEARN light, congenial work. stV vaneement, $7 aUrt. INDUSTRIAL REFERENCE 35 Court room 3.

iORRIS WAN TED Poaluoa cold meat man, in hotel all-round butcher or .1 224, Qlobe ofrlop. $12; Al Qcurer. invoice clerk, $10-12; clerical and typewriting. 3S7 PATTERN CHECKER BOILERMAKER street. Headquarters for Player l'ianos.

The tutojtiano. Krnnfoli Rach. McPhall untl '-orris Player Pianos. Sud7t ja27 WANTED -I'oslHou to do janitor work by I temperate nian; references. 218, Qlobs omen.

YOUNG MAN would" like as chaiTf-i 1H months' experience nt truck driving: auto truck preferred. 245. Globs ottice. AT MERCANTILE REFERENCE A BOND THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR with interpretation of blue nrlnta ami Iron foundry practice. Asstirlntloii.

Hoom salesgirl. Blacksmith and Helper WANTED who Is first class and can rtirntsn good references as to his character nnd abillrv for a steady position out of town, with highest permanent position for 6-iiny week of Baaja, tea and coffee store, over 21 years, $8: several power machine stitchers, exjterienced packer and labcler on tea and coffee. Apply Chances ror pvoiuoiiou. on wagon work. E.

rate of pay and at 22 Washlnu-tf and TEEL 3t ja30 WANTED Medford. Ion room woman to lend dummy elevator. $9.50: several GIRLS WANTED OVER 10 for clean factory work. Apply Mr. Wuitteu.

LIBRARY BUREAU. Albau Camttrldg-. ihs-itr 1 in person, nu.l-t-ii.i.cit arti. 3S3 IXirchester South Boston. M.iss.

dSu3t fl MACHINISTS experienced millinery salesladies. $U-fl0; sev eral millinery makers. $lo fir. eavelope niHrhiue work. girls to lie bows SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ACCO.MMODATORS furnished at once for laundry, cleaning or geueral work.

Tel. Rox- bury2. Sni7t j27 A NOVA SCOTIA MAID, good "references, wants general work, small family. 3 Berkeley at. Bureau; Beach 2925.

on noves. $6: stock girls, pack seeds. $6 (7. PICTURE MOVING TOOL WORK FIRST-CLASS mechanics, thoroughly experienced in tool or die work and who can come well recommended. PARKER MACHINE 221 nigh Boston dsntf Ja30 and 1H6 turret.

Monitor fee. Room 41. vv nninfon street. 9 AT HOTEL AGENCY. Room 207-Woman ALI-ROUND, Gisbolt Fox turrete.

miller; no Devonshire sf7 TOP NGTGH SALESMEN FOR advertising campaign of company manufacturing automobile tires toot to sell tires), live leads; our men making $75 to $150 every week: top commiijsion and lionus; hotel bills, incidental expenses anil railroad fare paid: live wires only. C. H. JACOBS, 1010 old South Bldg. 2: dust ami care for stock: head some eg- rootu i.

FILM REWINDERS and inspectors perience preferred. M. R. A. B.

street. Waitress restaurant. $10; waitresses; chamb AN ALMOST NEW and very fine norfc'it pitno for sale verv low; no dealer need answer. 3H5. Globe offlce.

WE MAKE of plnyer pianos; several slightly used 88-note, up-to-date instruments offered al bargain prices. $150, $175 np. CHAS. S. NORMS, 181 Tremont st.

Sud7t Ja27 HAKDMAN SMAI.T. GRAND Special bargain: price $250: on terms to suit. CHAS. S. NORMS, 181 Tremont st.

Sud7t ja27 KRANICH BACH mahogany grand piano, used for concerts, very tine tone and action a new piano; price very low. CHAS. S. MORRIS, 181 Tremont st Snd7t ja27 CIUCKERING GRAND, $100; used, still has good tone. CHAS.

S. NORRIS, 181 Tremont st Sud't ja27 MASSIVE new $75 style mah'oesny cabinet phonograph. 50 choice new selections free COLES. 3 Savin st. Roxbury.

Mass. and ward maids; woman for cerc-ral work ACCOMMC-DAXORS furnished for laundry, cleaning und evoking. Tel. Cambridge i club; cbiimhermaid. out of town.

$6 board DRAPERS and room: eirl to answer door bell and to do 1500 WOODSMEN FOR Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont; Amerl-' can Reoltv Hollingsworth A Whitney and other concerns: fares and office fee piuin sewing, bospltal. $22 folders, shakers. uiRimlf. funcv anil nlaln trotters on Indh-' silk to MARKWETt and serge A 4 J3l.

EXPERIENCED dresses. Apply Kneeland at. TOOL GRINDER WANTED A first-class leading man for cutters and tool grinding; permanent position for a ffood, experienced man. 5ic an hour to start. TItlMoNT MFG.

55-71 Amory Rox-1'iirv. Mass. TOOLMAKERS TO thrrcughly first-class men a 'vanceil nv the company. nin imm uuujr. --LARGAY LABOR AGENCY.

57 Washington hospitals and hotels: vegetable cook. $25 glass oad silver, dab, $30 kitchen maid. hospital. S25 iuo. 387 Washington street.

AT BRECK'S BUREAU. 53 Franklin nographer. N. $17; stenographers. $12 $15; stenographer, lUtxbury, $10; stenocxaiib Hanover st.

oauo u-i come AM. on lot in residen AUTO REPAIRMEN C2W. centr. for 8 hour time and half overtime, double time Sundays; it can qualify come ready EXPERIENCED STITCHERS WANTED to make canvas gloves, will pay while learning. STAP GLOVE MFG.

7 Hudson Boston. 3t J30 BIL LINO CLERKS L. C. SMITH MACHINE, $14 $15; Elliott--' Fisher, clerical, good al figures. $12.

INDUSTRIAL REFERENCE 33 Court snaaf man tial neighborhood Melrose, Uowe taxed 14O0 and paid; price terms. 27 West Trcmhlett 7IW-M. dSu4t Ja31 FOR SALE New 4-rooni house, with 1 acre laud. 26 Blossorun prid SltKM). Owner.

R. SUTTON, S3 Francis Hrook 1 i ne, Mnss. 140 WOObSIVlEN TOR GBE.VT NORTHERN PAPER Maine, free fares if stay till end of season; also Steh-bins Lumber BuzielJ T. stewar Sen. N.

ship t'slav from 1. AGENCY (Wurf'sl. 43 Poll land si. 2' jaSl LABORERS FOR yard work. Apply THE BARRETT COMPANY, foot or Bencham Everett.

2tjn3t STENOGRAPlR AND BOOKKEEPER MAX under draft age wanted for position as stenographer and assistant bookkeeper, F. T. KNIGHT. 10 Blackstoue st. dSn4t fl BOYS AND HELPERS NBW PIANOS, rent $4 to $6 rent applies to sale, tuuad free; apts.

with piano rent easily. HA I LET DAVIS Rent 14B Boviston E. BENNETT FOX. tJ. Beach 4545.

SIX first-class mechanics wanted, 48-hour shoo. C. H. G. CEDERBORG Brookline.

TfaFSu" Ja31 Plumbel'sWanledatOnce ers, bookkeeper and stenographers. $12 $15; stenographer and asst. Itookkeeper, $10 $12: teniarary bookkeeper, $15; ledger clerks. $12 $15; bookkeeper, $15: I blllins clerks. Burrougus oH-rator, (emiorary typists, $lu: complometer operator.

$10; ottice stitchers. $10; licensed elevator operator. $10; candy wrappers packers. $7 $12, chocolate dipiers. $lu: laciory, $8.

for work immediately. AMERICAN CAN West 95th-st Dock, New York city. 3t Ja30 PIECE RATE MAN YOUNG MAN who has had practicsl training In factor work, grades te or advanced student in college or Tech course preferred, excellent future. 191, Globe office. WF' J3 FARM WANTED.

FTWTUtf 5 Snd7t JS7 COUPLE wishes position, man, gardener, farmer, bandy with tools; wife, cook, housekeeper: reference. 244, Globe cilice. FSu' fl EXPERIENCED American woman wants io-sition to Like charge of apartment houses or large rooming house. Write L. 11 Nevada Maiden, phone Maiden 2202-W.

fl FIRST-CLASS ALL-ROUNnT'OOk on pastry; economical; references. 30 Dwlght st. HOUSEKEEPER or companion's position by rehued middle-aged American; economical cook, neat, cheerful disposition, excellent manager. best references. 162, Globe office.

I HOUSEKEEPER Protestant 7-year-old girl, desires position in gentlemau's or widower's small tainily. II 343, Globe office. dSn4t Ja31 HOUSEKEEPER, cook, general" and "kitchen women; good help. 3 Buikeley Bureau; Beach 295. MIDDLE-AGED American widow would like position as housekeeper in 'American gentlemen's home; references furnished.

192, Globe office. 4t Ja30 NEWTON and Brookllne employer recommends most dependable middle-aged woman; housework, neat, prompt, systematic, not ex- $1000 TO Wititin suitable for poultry and room 3. B0 miles of Hoston, WANTED Experienced hotel or vegetables, some wood. 194, Globe office. 8f Ja30 BROCK 538 Main st.

Melrose dSntf Jan AT NEW ENGLAND REFERENCE ASS'N PIANO, mahogany upright, beauty; bench, scarf, music; $35. phone Back Bay 7897-W. 2t ft. RARE OLD VIOLINS for sale, Antonio Sttt-divarius, Fratresnu Amaty. Francesco Rttg-gery and other rare specimens.

From Feb. 4th and following days, at Young's Hotel, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.

daily: J. D. HORVATII. violin expert, from New York city. dSu4t fl bouse keeper, lease men large boarding, boose In Bath, excellent opportunity, as de-mands for accommodation are constant, rent reasouable.

Address t. H. GERitoDKlTE. eo Texas Steamship Company, Bath. Me.

100 WOODSMEN MOULDERS WANTED Experienced moulders on bench and floor work, near Boston, to $32 per week, no trouble, stale experience. 193, globe office. 8t ja3Q onit WAITRESSES witu experience lor Leutesji asoa or lunifer If $Uo a moutb la MAINE, N. H. and Vermont, good wages and board: fares free If work season, ship every day.

Mcdonald labor agency. 44 sud- bury near Portland at. 2t jaai feeding, fairly heavy eF BOYS over IS for i helper for shipping WANTED Piano, "upright, any condition: r-'om, loyidry helpers, Experieiaa-d hank loau $18; advertising experience, ledger cleik. $17; cashier, wholesale experience, very smart, $16: 3 bright adding machine operators, $10; dictaphoue operator, kery neat appearing. $15: typewriter aud invoice clerk, $12; typewriter, bookkeeping experience, $12; stenographer, smart young college graduate.

stenographer, wholesale office, $10; stenographer and bill clerk. $14; young plate press feeder, neat errand girl, $0. 17 Broni- 41. I6t! Devonsnire st. sweeper: no fee.

Room state lowest price, pay spot cash. 220, Globe office. 2t fl February and March, board, room aud rouga washing, state age. wcigut. lugni and iuuia I St area i -ea.

cHaLFONTE, Atlantic City. Elastic Web Weavers dSuft jazi FOX LATHE OPERATORS WANTED with experience on brass work. CHELSEA ClA)OK Everett Chelsea. Mass. dSutt fl MUSIC WANTED Young woman, under 4.

Iivtug ia Everett or Maiden, to act as companion for a -s WANTED, experienced on aud Msles. A. ZIEGLER Columbus Boston. fine suspendet SONS CO. dSuot sick elderly with a little housework: no FAOTOBf and stores, near depot in Maiden, also large factory lauds.

Tel 25 -Maiden. FPu fl FARM, about 5 acres, wanted ucar Boston. 223. Olohe office. FSn fl ovVNKItsi We "want a few jrooil farms; Kive full particulars In first letter.

280, Globe ofBt-e. dSuSt fl ANTED Small farm, price reasonable. II 348, (ilobo office dSuTt ia31 "real estate mortgages $20,000 Wanted On First Mortgage Property now under lease to responsible parties for a period to cover life of mortgage. Appraised at three times amount wanted. Address 290, Globe Office.

fsu fl ja3Q, RAGTIME hlldren: a week: Linden car. ERNES'! Piano Playing taught In 20 lessons even If you don't SEAWARD. 35 Everett. Mass. WANTED pecttne Ign wages, -io Moyiston st.

OBLKUNG voiing girl. 5 years' experience caring children; otherwise helpful. 36 Boyl- ston st. PRIVATE SECRETARY, head bookkeeper, wide experience as bookkeeper stenographer, seeks executive position; start. 372, Globe office.

2t fl know a note. Guaranteed. Booklet free. WAN TED A ward cleaner. 2i a month.

n. itt st. AT INTERN ATION AL BUREAU. 241 Tre-uiiDt Room 4 Elevator operator. $18.50 chambermaids; hotel chambermaids.

$2(1 restaurant cashier. hotel waitresses, $18 Isundiesses, $32 mo. cook, $50 ward maids. $0 wk. space girls and cleaners; lo girls to wait on table, tirst-chiss botel.

Atlantic City: attendants, $25 CHRISTENSEN SCHOOL OF POPULAR room und hoard. NEW ENGLAND HoSPITAU MAN FOR PIPING work. BOWKBR'S, aud helj Bowdoln mechanical Everett. Wanted A Fireman FOR a manufacturing plant in Boston; must have flrst-qlass flremau's license. Address 201.

GIjIic office. 8tJa81 WANTED FOX LATHE HANDS KOR WOMEN AND 1 1 1 LDItl'N. av. 1 PACKERS EXPERIENCED dry goods packers. Apply RED CROSS, looo Washington MR.

TODD. WANTED, FIREMAN WITH third-class engineer's license. Address 151. Olol- ottice. 3t Ja30 155 MEN DIFFERENT JOBS, laborers $12 per week awl board; also choppers for New Hampshire, $00 month, no lost time.

NORTHERN AGENCY, 22 Ktieelands "TEEERS wanted; good waices; plenty work: union factory. W. V. O. KIMBALL.

Haverhill. Mass. fl TURN wanted. W. H.

MYRON SHOE Co Mulberry Lynn, Mass. dSu7t ja26 TAILOR, at once; young man for busheling, etc. 202 West Newton sL MUSIC. Suite 706, Dexter 453 Washington phone Beach 7348; hours 9 to 8. Ftf j19 ami jjyggca ivoxoury.

DRESSER-TENDER ly WA.NTE1 stitchers oil work I also gins to leach, ateady room and hoard. In 10-20 lessons, send for free booklet, signed guar STEADY JOit JENKS MFG. CI Reach woolen Warreu. work. Mass SAYLES dSuSt fl pay.

Apply THALER WAIST CO RAGTIME apply. A. J. 2t JaSl ONLY experienced men need MOUSE SON. 221 High st.

st. Zt Jan. antee. Be convinced you irixvits wanted on both Knowles and Cromp can piny latest song hits with slight effort and WANTED A position by a young lady for afternoons and Saturday evenings. Address CLARE E.

DENSMORE, 283 West Newton Boston. WORKING housekeeper, with or without child, widower's family. Tel. Roxbtiry 56 Roxhury st. SuWF Ja27 YOUNG LADY, experienced cashier, wants position, flrat-elass references regarding character and ability.

Address 345, Globe A i I-ID A 1 1 -round cook fur nice Iwaioiog iiousc. mut be a god cook; also a kit-uea COMPANY, AT EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE ASS'N M-ncgrapber, able to read French and Spauisu. $18; steuographer, must be rapid, $15; stenographer for Cambridge offlce. $13; stenographer with some experience. $lo: 2 typists for Insurance ottice.

Underwood macnines, $10; girl, 16, ior messenger work, large insurance offlce, $6. expeuse. SCHUULS Ur PUfULAU ENGINEER WITH first-class license. ARTELS A THELEN Webster Cheriem. 3t Ja3i ton looms.

THE ROY WOOLEN Wntei-vller. N. Y. dSuIit fl woman: gtMl place ne- rigiit people O. W.

CHAFFEE. 67 Souicrville. MUSIC, 510 Huntington Back Bay 7450. TF ia29 liiKV for first nnd second niortai-es. F.

r. HOVKY.oS State st. 310; tel. F. II.

5727. dSutf uul8 WANTED Young lady who cau operate a private switchboard and do nlins in offlce of wholesale house; $10 to $12 to start. 301, DRAFTSMEN in lxane off Kllby MECHANICAL OE.SH JOSTON ENG I NEERlNi SiuRS aud AGENCY. datallers. Wnterst.

Gh offl- fl WAITRESS wanted, experienced on taaM" and aide work, high wag tar right perapa. TlRsTVlA-ss MEAT CUTTER for MgjB onlv vear round job. Ask for U. COHEN. lUa Brighton Allatoo.

Mass. "1'IVE "OR" Six FIRST-CLASS MACHINISTS and "'perifnenul men. JAQUITH MACHINERY BUREAU. 100 Purchase st. 1 3 7 10 i-IREM A wanted." BOSTON ATI ILET 1C ASSOCIATION.

Exeter Boston. 4f Ja29 GOLD CROWN MAKER wanted, tlroroughly "r.i in dental laboratory work. Ad- AT HOUGHTON A WARE. 2IM Wash. 17 Mezzanine Floor Bookkeeper, $13; office saleswoman, stenographer and bookkeeper.

girl, experience on Burrows' statement machine, $10 stenographer, $15; store clerk, dictaphone operator. $12. PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC 25 HUNTINGTON Copley Room 324 Piano and Voice in 10-20 lessons, chords and sougs first lesson, sight reading, free booklet. at ti, BANJO, mHiidolin. guitar, private lessons.

FRED MARTIN. lB4Boylstoii st. 6t ja28 SOLO SINGING" and Voice Culture" Club F. W. WODELL, Instructor: Feb 5-April 9, 7:43 WOOD CHOPPERS WESTON.

Mass. Wauled to cut 2000 cords K. QUI" I.t.Ni 11. -l'J Ktngies w- wood, pay $2.50 cord, rooms in house supplied. bory.

ii- WANTEIe-Woman for iig a work iu see4 store; knowledge of M-iliug iu advantage: slat ieiepnorjc 1402 tvoxnury. A WOMAN depenib-nt upon her own resources REFERENCE ASSN- A'i NEW ENGLAND eAprwv- 7.. St lalll UIW'C dress Boston. circular. 12 Huntington hotikkeeoer.

real estate nthe--. drat P. experience and wages required. II Ulobe offlce. STORES, OFFICES, ETC STEAM LAUNDRY TO LET On Commonwealth store and basement containing 5000 siptare feet of oor siiace- excellent location for steam lattr.i i-y.

GEORGE W. JOHNSTON. 12011 Beacon BrcokUue. 2t ja31. Single Story Building 75x23 TO LET for storage or Utlit manufacturing: sour track, heat, power If wanted; centrally located neal South Station.

1114, Globe ottice. undersold, v.rtivc save money, uevei dSu4t fl class double-entry bookkeeper. Wholesale office. fur work that will require close attention trom to 4 daily good pay as well as permanent po sition. Call after 10; 120 Boylston suite 526.

'AT 58 ROXHURY ST. Cooks, second, nurs err. waitress, green girls, general, day women rot PITTS-BEEKMAN Washington St. WANTED Reliable and efficient workers, capable and bnviug knowledge in assembling sole leather units and one with executive abil ity to handle, control aud conduct the business; excellent opportunity for the right party; nil corrosiondence treated strictly confidential. Address with full particulars, age, where previously employed, how long and salary desired, 331.

Globe offlce. 2t Ja31 "WXGON HELPERS WANTED Steady positions for sturdy young men 19 years or older with satisfactory references: good chances for advancement: letter from last employer re-uuireti. Apply room 9. Adams Express Huihling. Atlitutic foot of Kneeland m.

to 12 noon. dSutf ja4 "WANTED 10 able-btxiied men, 21 to 40 years old, to hnndle expivss matter: come ready to work. Apply to F. M. DOWNING.

Asst. Agent. AMERICAN EXPRESS North Station. dSutf fl another, must have hank experience. $25; ledger clerks, two bright youti men, Ai writers.

$13: stenographer, young mistier. $18: 1 FURNITURE, ETC Boston em" ,5,7 hard Wars salesman, lirst-elass stcire. $30; re- hair cuts Sud7t Ja27 ATTENDANT for insane hospital: state agt 2t ja31 YOUNG LAOY wants position as typist und multigrapher. two years' experience, best of references. 23.

Glob office. 3t JaSO $5. IIOUSEWORKEl home nights; 2 "girls or mother and daughter. STANDARD, 27 Tre- mont row. AMERICAN HOUSEKEEPER, fine cook, housework, daughter 19, $3, middle aged; elderly, $2.

27 Tremont row. MALE HELP WANTED AT MERCANTILE REFERENCE BOND Association, Room 202 Accountants, C. P. A. experience; cost accountant, mfg.

experience, tioulile entry bookkeepers, ledger clerks, $1R; perpetual inventory clerk, corporation exiierience. 318; factory timekeeiier, experienced nay-roll, $18; repair dept. eierk. Jewelry exr-erteuce, $18: clerical uowledjBe lumber inspection, stenographers, $12 $18, salesman, experienced druggists' sundries: experienced stationery salesmau; experienced tire ami accessory salesman: experienced fishing tackle salesman, $18; experienced instalment collector; registered druggist; draftsman, experleived switchboard and powerhouse layoff SltiOO vr. civil engineer, technical school graduate $'l8-20 start: experienced plumbing fiAVI' GOOD POSITION for capable plumber 7 1 I I 1 1 I I .1 and experience; pav a month.

A LORD, Stamford. Conn. dSnlotfl 2t fl A Yoi'Nii WOMAN a-anted as colletior. lot WANTED Experlencetl girl tor private ttosrtlitig boose; $8 per week and board. Phone f-ambrldge 56363 between 3 5 p.

AH Oxford t. n4. ANTED Iris to learn make paper drinking caps; neat. cK-an and steady work: must be 10 years or over. AMKTUCA.N a 1 Kit st I'i'LY 251 Ca osewsy at.

3t Jaa0 WANTED Experienced hotel uamiiermaid, must live at home. Apply at offl- after a. HOTEL HOLLIS. 247 Tremont St. 2t Ja WANTED fJirl fo care for two tomt and six.

E. F. COUGHUN. 02 Birch road, Wlnthrop. or 47 High Boston.

Mass. dSu7t fl Globe othce. HAND PULLERS and tasters McKay shoes. tali shoe salesmun for Haverhill, $22; shipper, uiechanlcai mfg. experience.

$2u; china packer, 416; packer, fruit syrups, $15; wholesale dry porter, $14; gas producing engineer, $20; teamster, city experience, $1. Boys, high school graduate, no experleuce, smart, for large outre, $10; another, wholesale offlce, $10: bank fflte. mail clerk, stenographer, beginner, learn business, $10; leara coffee, real Bov'ston room 023. ANY OLD THING IF it is furniture, old ssiling ship pictures, views of Boston and New York, hammered silver pieces, banjo clocks and any curt ons clock; let me hear from you; prompt re-spon se. 21.

Globe offlce. jti27 Upholstering and Repairing LEA. RVERETT SHOE BOOKKEEPER wanted, must ne'tcilsble; in UOSlil II DK.sK ItUDM to let in pleasant office, with or without desk. 53 Devonshire room 24. FSnW tf tl services in ntMto furnished office in modern bldg.

101 210 Broad-3t Ja30 Everett reply state age, experience end salary to start wa wanted for hard work. LABORER ITALIAN WANTED A capable, intelligent, 3'i0, uloLie omce. "BOOKKEEPER "and clerk wanted: state ex recommended, steady work and advancement; highest pay. 202 estate, insurance and wool. insurance Devonshire st must come chances for room uiMin ii -Side office or desk room, with penencc and salary expected.

uiooe "FOR RENT room 43. Rt ofni c. FURNITURE of all kinds, very good work at omce noys, snipping. i-; staiionery, sts; shipping, whoK-sale drugs, errand aud office boys. $n-S.

17 Btomli-ld St. stenographer and telephone. In- or without 1 -rr-i i it experienced on stone WANTED A) BINDERY GIBLS. experienced wire sliteh rs. steadv work, two to learn, $6 to start experienced rlrf nted: steady position and good op- reasonable price; will call at once everywhere.

Telephone Back Bay 6S35-J. Ui do errands A LEY. AT HOUGHTON A WARE. 2114 Wash. St man used to the care of calves and youn-stock: only such as can furnish references as to sobriety and capability need apply.

DR. CLARK. Kelsey Ranch: Lexington 590. At "Danve-s State Hospital, Ha-tliorne. experienced fireman with license, wages week, without maintenance.

Apply to A. LINDGREN. Enflneet. d8u7t Js2S hopping. Apply AP.I.ISLE for capable young man.

Apply Iv. ABBOTT A COMPANY, 100 Purchase t. and PRESS. 65 Bever smakers, 7J9 Boylston at. 17 Mezzanine Floor More lmtnager, grocery experience, $18 and commission; ledger clerk.

Wt-endent, WiLKiNS room 431. dSntf Ja3t SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE, CARPETS BOOKKEEPER, $10 week, stesdy Job. dSutf Globe office. two-lhlrder, wanted; TOB CoStPOSiTOR. be expert-' i ai draftsmen.

mechanical draftsman. $1S; stenographer, $15; bunk bodakeepcr, experienced, accountant. $1700: stenographer, go to tropics. $100 COMPETENT struograpner wanted by a coo- ANTE Drs pery sew.t, ened: call at ouc MRS. Roxhury.

Mass. ntiu rooti and of National reputation, one able tu take sie 'v The U-HL-iiis Press. G5 ui SL'PE rapidly and accurately, and to transcrilv sudttja shoe salesman. ti; oiacasmun netper, ei-; general, $15; stableman, shipper. 12: Beverly st.

v. ,1, dp 'MpttKl)FIt. can make ready. general, Job pressmau, $12-jl4; sales them into letters or correct form aim appear ance; references required. P.

O. Box 1433. 2t fl quire RoomJ'tL Journal Bids. SuTW ThFSu Ja23 ROOMS for light manufneturfug, tlO to $23 per month Apply 57 Stdbury St. dSutf jalo "STtiRAGE space to let in building on Sud- bury st.

ApplyOTJSndl-nrrst. dSutf jnlb xb l.ET Very ilesirable desk room, with telephone low rent. Conn 74. 1 OB MORE ROOMS to lot for business or light reasonable rent. U.

S. I'-AGENCY tWurf's), 43 Portland st. SudGt ia27 HOUSES TO LET AND WANTED HVEKKTT To let. almost new tl room cottage, all improvements, large lot of land, ready to plant- also new two-family house, with land, for sale at a bargain. Apply owner, R.

CAMERON, 93 Shute st. I'SuJl WANTED-A general housemaid or ssah and second girl. 37 Pvmfrrt tel. Beilevua 1652 W. 3t WA.NTKD rhambernmid.

mit room In tha bouse. Appl' HOTEL LANG HAM, ItSM Wash- man and solicitor, 5t; suoe salesman, out oi town, truck helper, porter. wanted. Apply Superintendent, Wll.KINS PRESS. 5 Beverly St.

dSntr JalT JOSTPRESS FEEDER WANTED. TURNER cr 152 Purchase st. WANTED Exjieriem-ed packer mid sliliiper in departiuent store; must come well recommended: good position for right iwrly. MR. GL1DDEN, F.

N. JOSL1N Maiden. ANTED brst-ctaas folding operator experienced on Chamber folders. SPRINGFIELD PRINTING AND BINDING Ct MPA V. Springfield.

Mass. 3t Ja31 "WANTEIe A bright, active young man, nndr 21 years old, in accounting give references and state salary expected. 155, Globe office 2t Ja31 'COLORED MAID, ne.ii. references. Iu work in lea room and at my aparlmeut, plain sewing $12; machinist, $22; elevator, night lag ton st.

requir'-d. Apply MAK r.LlAt:L 1 ti cor Park and TremouL buttonhole to WASTEDGirl L.ASTERS wanted, expeneuceu to SEARS-KOL- THALER WAIST 64 Beach st. china CHAMI ERMA1DS. tone, city hotel. shoes: steady work.

Apply BUCK A Factory No. 8, BEDDING-, antiques, liugest and cheapest stock In Boston to select from; goods shipped anywhere. LOWKNSTHIN'S, 114 Berkeley at. 5tJJa28 Colonial Secretary ONE of the hnest old secretaries In New England for sals. Can be seee at basement, 26 Pemberton sq.

Sud7t Ja27 FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH ALSO oianos una merchandise of every deacrip fion LEWIS 3. BIRD 7 Bosworth rear' Parkerouse: tel. Main 2752. dSutf o31 CONTENTS 3 HOUSES IN ONE -Beds, dressers chairs, rockers, carpets, tables, mattresses, etc' Call afternoons. 94 Chandler street.

et SuTWThF' Ja27 CASH PAID for secoud-band furniture and merchandise of every description. N. M. liA'ICH, 153 Columbus tel. Beach 5646.

dSu7t ja28 watchman, nreman, s-jo room, hoard; fireman, $24: boys, shipping room, $7: elcvatoi, $30 mo. and meals: office $10; atock, $9 bankmessenger ottice, 8. A MARRIED COUPIE, milker, roomy, furnished cottage, ehildrei no objection; also sin-gle man milker, cows, $45 month'. 36 Boylston. Saco, Maine, dSn7t fl b-jaid ami hli.H .1, 15 enool st.

I m.L'U..lni,; IaJAm 0 mill. r7)6M FIXER'S ELPER for woolen WANTED Married man to work In garage on FrL, 8:30 p. also Sat. 8 knowledge tool designing, -u; cxpcrieuceu ui-chanlcal checker, $20-f2S; mechanical nettll-era und tracers, 3S7 Washington street. i MERCANTILE REFERENCE A- BOND Association, Room 209 Cyl.

pressman; job press feeders, Kidder pressfeeder, $18: ob compositor, tosition ont of town; cyl. feeder. $16; stock clerk, 31-35 yrs. old, experienced shipper. packers, expc-i enced bedding, wholesale shoes, order clerlt and meat crntter, $18: meat cutter and salesman, $18; meat and fish cutter, grocery order clerk, creamery adesman; garage mechanic; journeyman plumb er- blacksmith's helper; woodworkers: machine helpers; t.russ tinisher; all-reimd machinist on r-palr work.

shaper hand, three years experience on machine tools, 45c. hour: type writer repairman; third-class engineer, $60 mo tnd meals; fireman, $40 month, board and oorrr night watchman and porter, $10; asst. Unltor; office building porter, elevator 1-eense; elderly man, freight elevator. $10: inside on inter. $18; first-class candymaker, $18; experienced leather bag framei; strong helper for auto truck, $14; sign and card writer.

$12. $18 week to start 6 m. AIISS FAWCETT. 200 Huntington av. act Rav Stil-J.

xood chance to learn loom RAYMOND AGENCY. Boston. 2 ASSEMBLERS, eugiue lathe and millius ma fixing. CHARLES i4 Washington st. BOSTON night shift.

Apply ELDERLY PROTEST ANT WOMAN-to take hiue operators riMBER, who caa do 2t fl -MAN WBo knows AUTO GAGE Wiiltnatn et. care of workingmat. home; reliable women zt jaa: WANTED Housekeeper for a hi-lar bo us a. American, capable of taking call 13 Pembroke St. Wt HIKING HOUSEKEEPER, a 'th or WhV out child, for widower's family.

Kotbary st, HaWs" iejT. WAlTitUs? WANTED on Inm-h algbts. Apply MR. PERRY. 1797 Waahla- Ion Boston 3t ja3l WANTED Yewag lady ledger clerk, experienced, able to take trial balance: state salary expected.

3. Clohe offlce. Ttrss real "WANTED Ma tnVurist- Aftply ivilllnL' to travel part of APARTMENTS TENEMENTS 7 and 8-Room Suites eradlng. must be inly need apply; $3.50 per week. CaP.

after 6 to do office work. $19 week to time, also able p. 37 Pearl Camhtidga. 2t Ja3l road on the while start and expenses A RELIABLE ORDER COOK tor restaurant. 1 23 Haverhill St.

BARBER Good check $19 and commission, hnlf day and two evenings ofT, steady ioh four-chair hotel shop, telephone or write ELEVATOR OPERATOR. $18 50 ror 294 AGENCY, RAYMOND CHARLES Washington St rooms. Hnest BEACON Brookllne. all outside vmr convenience, perfect condition Boston. GEO.

W. JOHN- MAN to handle materials, metals and general public builaing. MISS BUFF, 341 Tremont room 4. EXPERIENCED GIRI.S wanted oa Land em broidery. COLUMBIA EMB.

C30 Wash ington St. lit once. ADNABROWN HOTEL BARBER service, rent upwarna. tel. ROM, 1299 Beacon st Brookllne 2190.

Sudtf js27 CLOTHING supplies In factory sloes room, one who uo wrrked in a similar capacity preferred; $15 weekly AMERICAN SODA FOUNTAIN SHOP. HfrTriL LAMiHAM. Hum. Mass. SHOP.Sprincaeld, VermonL 2t jaSl BARBER WANTED- Steady job.

Call at once at 1181 Blue Hill tel. Dorchester and do driving: must come well recommended and willing to work. KELLEY A HAWEH inchester. Mass. 2t fl WAN'lltP Ai OlfCE Two blacksmiths, first -class machine forger.

$28: double time for overtime. W. H. SLOCUM 39 Bayley ftPawtncket. RL WANTED First-class helper; steadv work: good pay.

Apply to NEW ENG. LANO BOLT COMPANY, Ice. Bowdoin Everett, Mass. 2tfl WANTED First-class milling machine hand and general machinist. 48 hour shop.

E. R. KNOTT MACHINE 32 Dorchester a South Boston. ra tl ANTED Experienced young man to work at plumbing business; licensed man preferred. Addrem 270, Globe office EHHL WANTED American boy to do general offlce work in wholesale commission bouse in this rity.

Address 350. Globe offlce. St Ja31 WANTED First-class baker for dairy lamb, only experienced man need apply. 11 Plea-nt Maiden. Mass.

WANTED-Neat. willing truer cook. 387 Washington street. Congress st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS PS wanted at NEW CENTURY CAFE, 177 or 173 Hunt ington city.

MAX KEEZER'S ONLY STORE 25637. Dartmouth st. lrr SrSsrOAKTir.K REFERENCE BOND MACHINIST, 17 to 20 years mownon Finisher. also assistant fin- B00KBINDERY sands tisn. Room 210 Stock work, wholesale in TT" l.

i tt I EXPERIENCED WAITRESS asated. WEL J. BARNARD 105 Federal st. 12SO Ai-AvO t. r.

a nar- Isher. 1 leather house, learu stationery business vovt: eotlerv business. $8: otlid FOR SALE d8n7t jaw tv. LINOTON i'AFE. 1 ol-jioncs sv years experience: sieauy nil PAPER CAR A TUBE 146 Broadway.

Cambridge. MAN as lauudrv driver and solicitor on established" route, must be ambitious to increasehla WANTfeO EXPERIENCED WAITRESS work, wholesale wool house, some railroad office nreferred. $8 start; learn tea and BOY', about 18 years of a eery house. P. O.

box 3215, wholesale gro-Bostou. 3t Ja31 SPAl'LIilNfi CAFE. vard stuneuis seconu-nauu ana misnt Clothing tou-ht ad sold; dress and tnvedo suits for sale and to let; our clothes made by all leading tailors; ope'J from 8 a. m. to 9 p.

Saturday until 10 p. take Harvard-sq. Subway cars, Cet off at Harvard walk tiack to 12.SC Mass. earrings nun wiiiana H. A.

HOY' WANTED to learn the bat trade. coffee business, stock work. mfg. house. leceiving clerk.

bank mes-sengers stock and marking room, typist, wholesale nibUet 4Jre house; many other good places, 3i street. tel. oo aim wou miiuiiiie. nuw fi myo 4 Rooms, Aicove and Bath COMMONWEALTH near Reservoir, plenty I liMit REMINGTON REID. lfrW Cmimou- 'altli phone Brookllne 366.

Furnislied Frout Suites TI1UFE or four rooms. $40 to $50: choice, convenient location. Tel. Roxbury g727-M )fl al'TUTNiVNTS of three and four pleasant looms, rent $1S. $20 and 21.

Apply JANITOR. Avenue Aoarunents, 80S Colnmbui av. AY 1 BSnTWThF ja2S "IpAslTatKNTS, furnished, 2 rooms, kitchenette and hath, in the Fens. S. KHOCK 161 Mass Back Bay 284S.

4t Ja29 BUST uue-room suite in A list on, unexpectedly vacated. Tel. Brighton 8458-M. 2t ja31 "tMI'l iTI 1.1 1" UNISHUD ttnee-room sulics. $11 weekly.

WADE, 1 WestHnd apartment for rem Back Bay NDKi. ivy ajsas. as MI'S for general work, must le strong, husky, willing8 to work. KEEFE'S. 15 lAt! CUTTER wanted.

Apply Friday, CAST-OFF CLOTHING wauted of all kinds; a VTI1H Weavers on totton warp, one alsu carpets and lurniture; scnu postal. I will call And pay cash. M. O. 70 Church st.

"AT-HOTEL AGENC Itooui 208 All-round STUDENT 103 Bedford st BARBER, tirst class. goc.i pay. 0 Butler "trieiit Heights. East Boston. BOY WANTED to learn the brokerage busl- iiess.25-xiluyige.

Jom 40. "CYLINDER I'HESSFEEDKR wanted, steady position and good opportunity. Apply to super iiteudcnt.THE WILKINS PRESS, 65 Beverly st. dSntf ja24 Icom good pav. THE ROY WOOLEN OM-PANY.

VVatervliet. H. FSuTWbt ja25 147 Cen'er st itoxtmry. oaker $24 experienced cktb waiter, out nt twwn. Sfio mo.

coatroim man, hotel, $3- auuoi- WILL PAY CASH for lady's coon coat." bust WANTED waBea lira pe" mFaT CI TI ER wanteo, uiso one nn oa. MA EDEN MARK ET16 Pleasant. Maden. '-Btivfi 'i wanted, first cla's man. mn exnerienced slide man.

restaurant, city: 36 or larger, state price. 369, Globe offlce. man. jg iruaj a Addrc-s 173. Gl-! office.

1Sn7t Ja26 cu- oorter restaurant, $1011 baker's helper restaurant. $9 wk. 387 Washington street. call FLAT WORK FOREWOMAN- We wsnt the best forewoman rood wages for a first -class, capable, well -recommended woman; no men need apply. 207.

Globe office. WF JaUo "Housekeeper, ace 45, polish or Italian. Apply PETER KOAEY. US Bracket! stQuincy dSo6 Ja29 GIRLS WANTED, tliorongbly expertem-ed In selling lades' bats; must be very smart snd hsve exceptional ability. Apply imaediatety at HoDES HAT BLEACHER Y.

30 Lagrange at. Ro.tJU 3tJa t.ENERAL house girl, small family, heated nm. 88, MRS. H. G.

BRYAN, 68 Madison Atlantic. GENERAL MAID, two in family, good home to the rich! Parry- Call between 9 and a. at 30 Sawyer Don-hester. dSo3t fl GIRI to sew on buttons tnd brofcs and eret on tallies' waists. GORDON' PACTUH ING 19 EUot St.

d8o4t fl willing to travel, good salary Write ana Plantation near Home If I I S-tHMI llilll'tr I 'Ji BN (JOOK for tearoom. 11 to 7:30: no Sunday to 7:30: Far 2t fl Friday. v.neemf-nt. HARRY QUINT. Florist.

5g0 COLONIAL REFRIGERATORS work: $15. Aonly 11 to 1 AT EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE ASSN-Dniftsman, experienced machine designing asm- hnnkkeener with good mfg. experience nylston TEA BOOM. -oal Boviston st w'TKD Experienced meat cutter, refer CYLINDER PRESSMEN wanted immediately, and suhurbs. G.

M. SMITH, Is Tremont st. 4t Ja21 io! vcuutr stenogrcpher. $15; freight claim HUM required. SOMERVILIJJ PUBLIC MAK fl itotH' men on Premier and man for old-style iVhitlock.

TUDOR PRESS. 11 Tfaacher st. lerk 'some experience, $18; chauffeur for truck Grocers, Markets, Restaurants Don't Bay of Traveling Salesmen, Box HERE AT oUU BIG FACTORIES): tatc money: all kiuds of store fixture ou easy monthly payments: some second hand, uoe-balf price: SO yrs established. WHITMAN Sullivan q. tf djaj.

Cord Wood For Sale FIVE HUNDRED CORD of newly cat hardwood. $12 a cord, F. o. cars io t- 12 ords to the car. CRUMB QUARRY COMPANY.


Al Off Sodbnry St. New and second hand office furniture and restiaraft tztures. desks all styles, (hairs, tardes. bookcases, showcases, cash register, adding m.cUnes. clock.

atrara top tablra. Bentwood wire chairs and tables; we buy orxange. "IF IT ISoV-e furniture seTL.j; PKABODTI 144 Congxeas nesr P. O. aq.

8fJojaj WANTED A typewriter desk io good condT-tjmi cheap. 266 Globe ojBee. WASTED Filing cabinet. rjr-drawer. Irani sure, oak.

Address 383. Globe oftc, at fl THE BALL ROOM "TVALOO CI1AMBKHS. 41 Ivaloo Sotuer- POLISH LABORER wanted for hard labor work out of town, best pay. with good chances for advancement to the right man; references required, ail at22 Washington room 43. "PORTER, white, for hospital, neat, clean.

meals. KEEFE'S. IS School st. REAfi ESTATE BROKER has attracts -rtrvn rat-class ooodyesr stitcnera. man.

34-45. start $17; cylinder pressman or vMli innms kitciien aud Dam. st -am neai Apply HOWARD A FOSTER. Brockton. Mass.

See JANITOR COtlnnOB hot water. $21. pressfeeder; experienced hanger, jutomoblh work, $15; 2 youug men. 18 21, some cxperi ence ibIUM goods, $12; strong man fa "wTTED Man as wn rehouse assistant: must CLERK Boston hotel; must have experience ind references. Address 213.

Globe office. 2t fl CHAUFFEUR wanted for touring car. Applv to MASSACHUSETTS WHOLESALE GROCERY 1065 Tremont st. Market Grocery and Ureamery Ketriiterators and Fixtures, Cash or Terms, i Market and Grocery Outfitters rttADWlCK A ARB Manufacturers. Sales Building 35 Fulton Street.

TWThrtf s25 BEFRrSEHAlORS of all kinds, some vnid-htnd at half price; it will iiay you to STmi befere you ty. F. t. knight, io Bl tckstone st. dSutf my20 1 -Brand new upartuieiits, 2, 3, 4 and taniter service, bteaiti heat, running lXi Lt rwius cm no- for re fl shintdiiK room, young leagcr ciera.

5t. livt water, lest F. S. NILES, 11 Mansfield Tv SKItA i. HlLSHoKK Wt for 17-1S.

for order ooy 1 lOCRvlOa It ii'iuci Trowbridge tel. 746-W BodTt ja27 roominr house experience, plala cookil "w-xxTPli Rlack-tmith who ha had exiierl- Everett Kirklaud and 'wnihrii'ig''. Z4 C. painters. -Tr7TTt' XV A Tr' )- UlliriK KUlaaaTa.

it i two. at once. 214 Nearbury st St errands. $0. 19 poano st.

'AT NATIONAL EFFICIENCY SERVICE BU READ Our Fee Only 'i Week's Salary Otlici ence ha weldina and used carriage work. Ad office. iLSUt ri 3d floor. 3it Lovell st. 2t fl TO 1.KT- room tndtSe "proWtion'.

rVderal tag tawaastes CARRIAGE and autoniobi! Ki ss 3G3 Northampton "CYLINDER PRESSFEEDER. PRINTING. 27 Beach st. PUBLISHERS ifODVivit r-flKP for all-round Boston res- nusiues every lioslon, all improvements. tiverKMtng Island Park: big, lijsit r.oms, in ilrst- shoe exiierieuce, eu; nuouKeeiier.

-o msna irer LAUNDRE.SS f'r foi.aug arwl P-aln iroun.g 2o a month acd found. NEW ENGLAND Hospital for women and children. Columbus av. and Dimoek Roxhury. East Weed Globe office.

8t fl mission. Ac tress .1 Sio-i I advances: can or n-c. l-oom am MO Tresaoat at. li-i-iiograpber; clerical accomitaut, tropics, i.nltor $15: grocery thipper. $14 CASH REGISTERS REID lass repair PEIRCE.

l-i liERLY CO I PLE Does s.nir- die know $1- "WANTED Gordon pressfeeder. WANTED By young couple, well furnished MILLINERS nnlVTtVC 167 Si. hats: HA MAN wanted for poultry ana geu-work uear Boston, state age. ex- and opera tors on satin KOCH BROTHERS. Inc. farm a hair at once. iv'rTKltTAn experienced plumber's helper: reti-ed elderly couple who would take care small suburbau place. 50 hen, 2 driving horses, exchange for living; all privileges to right iMttv. II 361. Globe offlce.

st'ii tlv modern 1 or 2 room apartment tn Atl-ston beat references. S19. Globe offlce. 2t fl wages; permaoeni jou i Mastassaa. references eady Job; best chance.

353J.loneom. tcadv job 4ft Olobe offlce NEW and fSecond-lisvnd Reclsters at uricres. W. T. KNIGHT, 10 Blockstone.

dSutf my26 WALTON SELLS POR LESS steady, ambitious man Bsjaaan workers, beech WANTED Iron and hands, work in Boston. 298. C.I a.e 2t JaSl tvpewrlter. Apply or room 503. FSu fl packer $14; porter, elevator license, elevator.

young men. stock, shipp'n room. boy, 18, learn elevator, $10; stock boartl boy: lioys. 27 School, room 20-1. AT INTERNATIONAL BUREAU.

241 Tre mont St. Room 4 Short order cook, $11: dlsb washer. $10: dairy $14; farmhands for State hospital. $32.50 room and board: 10 men for general work in hospitals, $5.77 to id 02. room and boartL EXPERIENCED salesman wanted: wholesale rocery line.

Apply MASSACHUSETTS WHOLESALE GROCERY 1065 Tremont 6t. "STENOGRAPHER or US VcT-vri max wanted to v. ws BOARD AND ROOMS AN tiougnt ana Kingston st. MjsS KING. CtB Washington St.

Child nurse, rtSSSSSjar. aswst, hospital, cooks. PRO'i'FSTA NT WOMAN wanted for light houework tn adult family. 10 miles from Boston, must be neat and obliging and economical cook no washing, fesereacee required: wages 5 Pfrweek. 3.

Globs- office. FMa fl vlt Psii.afiiK.s and decimstraturs. 21-3u. provisien Box 3tia-H 192 Washington st. address 43Trempnt "TOWN- MAN A i JER-The 4toVe.

NEILL 1563 Tremoot ESSJr one living in Rnxhtirv preferred 1- ttd.rl Lirt am xiw paired: Board of Selectmen ts desires to re- SOc Private Lessons, A Tims, Claasaaj llABEL HALL.3&4 Mass. Back SuMWF- tag7 SuMTWThF28t d80 "FNGINF lift 2d class, suburban factory, steady run. $25 week. 293. Globe oflI-n the town or ATLAXTIC 79 RUTLAND SQ.

Newly papered rooms, not an! cold water, $3 and tel. TWF Ja29 tpim persons nrteo io un YOUNG MAN' wash room. W-ET WARM T.4UNDRY. Atlantic. cetva applications ATTRACTIVELY farntebM rooms, reduced rates to itrrmaiien busiucss persons.

Beacon POULTRY. PIGEONS. ETC A grease 'MiSS FAWCETT 200 Haoti'jgfoo Ba BJ efll-J Five class lessons. r2. psH 8:30 p.

also Sat. 3 p. all MEN WANTED uinuiu.viuiiiJA v-vii of two capable and ou rlk dress-js; party. Apply at etween 12-2 p. m.

"XPERIENCED CUTTER Mod position open for richt -107 Wash. fourth Uoor. I ccrn desires tne sern an attractive propo-itioa in Boston and "c'kiy. I alt School at. 10 minutes to Park St.

Tel. Bri-klinc 53996 dSu4t tsSl mSrlfafSM ATJXO BUSINESS sold. mght and GUINEA PIG idclts rabbits. 1 aoken'onry LAlIE' TAILOR ou nne COL'ESES naiien. nos tloi of ceneral manager; applicants snomu particulars as to qualifications, ex-B rlence -nVVi i.fe.-.n -es in first letter.

BOARD Ol- SELECTMEN. Norwood. OLIVER BAKE. Clerk. 3t TOOLMAKER wsnted, punch press work including forming: permanency, new factory, pliant surroundings.


furnished STt.N' tjKArlir.B lor e-, e--; men i not familiar witb and pia VrTTltTl.Y fresii hennery eggs by the cas more It SAFES We seem In losition than otbersetsooti toom wilh all convnlences. 12ti Warren at. tnlte 18. 2t Ja3t BOARD AND ROOM Private bath. with board Write for parii nl.irs, DO, Globe office.

2t laSl COURSE nnAFAWTEE LICENSE sec -a 1 band safes Bar aiaal XU Park Worcester. WANTED stationary nreman wanted at once, must be sor and industnou- steadv iob for the right man. A. J. TOW FR '24 Simmons Roxbnry Crossing.

2t JaSl FIXER familiar with Hu-t Banner and Hewn WHMams knlttjng Af experienced salesmen acquainted with the New England trade, sternly position, good pay. Call 41 JKayne 146 Summer st. 3t s30 "ACCOUNTANT and cost man S3 factory work. CHARLES P. RAYMOND AGENCY.

204 a sliing on Bosto n. '-'t jxqi AT ONCE-Young offlce ateistant. age IS IP rears, living vicinity Everett. $13. See MR WARREN.

241 Tremont room 4. AUTOMOBILE washer wanted; experlesjeed. AUTO AGENCY, 169 Mass. av. V' ANTED 5-i raphy.

ii a i r. Washington STENOG A ER and typist. American Prot t-stant aome experience preferred. AUTO. AGENCY.

It Mass. at. front narlor. excellent house, handy elher rooms trade. MORBls IRELAND SAtr to ul- Williams Auto Co.

at. Bear rra Pleasant St. HBPTfmT-VTENTofer 24 with HDtM mnt he neat and ont of Sq. dSntf atfelS I bory st. 224 FSjTTugiu' Smplovment; good' pay.

all expense money sd-Tucedi 1012. 3. A. HAM. 88 Broad st, $6 un.

Phone MRS. HILTON. 068-571 Mass. sv dSutf mhl3 CHARLESTOWN--70 High suite 3. warm, omfortutle rooms for single men only.

dfcu4t ja81 TOILET INVALID ARTICLES INVALID WHEEL CHAIR wanted, must be ia good condition, cheap. 290, Globe office. ply MEDFOIU. WUUUS.N Aliv. jiituijmu 4t JaSO Mai..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.